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The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Neuroscience
- Phenomenology, Function, and Computation of Consciousness
Date: June 18th, 2010
Place: KIST, Seoul, Korea
The brain is arguably one of the most complex and densely packed, yet highly efficient information processing systems known. It is also the seat of sensory perception, motor coordination, memory, and consciousness. But what is this consciousness, that - as many believe - makes us humans unique to humans. On the occasion of the meeting of our society, we aim to bring together world class experts in the scientific study of consciousness for an exchange of ideas about its phenomenology, neural correlates, possible function and computational foundations. This one-day workshop is organized by the Society for Computational Neuroscience as a part of its series on Computational Brain Workshops. We have a high expectation that the scientific presentations and the subsequent panel discussions will be of highest intellectual rigor. We welcome the participation of interested researchers and students from interdisciplinary areas in science, engineering, neuroscience, psychology, and other related fields.