1등으로 달리던 조지부시 닮은 선수를 웬 자일리톨 이태리맨이 밀어버리다.
준엽이와 메신저로 토론한 결과 여러 설들이 나오는 중.
1) 이태리 우승 기도설 : 복장 컬러가 딱 이탈리아 국기색이다. 이 사건 덕분에 이탈리아가 금메달을 땄으니 신빙성 있음.
2) 자일리톨 선전설 : 복장이 "휘바 휘바~" 복장과 유사하다. 아테네 올림픽 특수를 노린 자일리톨 집단의 계략이다.
3) 부시 증오설 : 1등을 하던 브라질의 리마 선수의 외모가 미국 대통령 조지 부시를 닮았기 때문에 홧김에 저질러버린 일이다.
자세한 경위는 뉴스가 나와야 알겠지만 (등에 쓰인 글씨도 궁금하다) 저런 어이없는 일이 일어나도록 방치한 경기 운영진이 한심하다.
이러한 사고에도 불구하고 끝까지 완주해서 동메달을 딴 리마 선수 화이팅!
p.s.) 이봉주아저씨 어디있어요? 5분가까이 늦게 들어오시네 ㅠ_ㅠ
아래는 막 들어온 ap통신의 관련기사. 세상 멸망을 예언한 책을 펴내신 기독인 전직 목사란다. 궁금했던 등에 쓰인 메시지는 "The Grand Prix Priest Israel Fulfillment of Prophecy Says the Bible." ...이쯤되면 막 가자는 거지.
(기사가 갱신되어서 갱신된 기사로 수정.)
Defrocked priest attacks marathon leader, who finishes third
By ROB GLOSTER, AP Sports Writer
August 29, 2004
ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- The defrocked Irish priest who bolted from the crowd and tackled the marathon leader about three miles from the finish Sunday has been arrested before for disrupting sporting events.
Cornelius Horan, 57, was wearing a green beret, a red kilt and knee-high green socks when he attacked Brazilian runner Vanderlei Lima, knocking him into the crowd. Lima was able to recover and finish, but had to settle for the bronze medal.
``I was scared, because I didn't know what could happen to me, whether he was armed with a knife, a revolver or something and whether he was going to kill me,'' Lima said. ``That's what cost me the gold medal.''
The Brazilian track federation protested the result and sought a duplicate gold medal for Lima, but the appeal was rejected.
``I'm not going to cry forever about the incident, although it broke my concentration,'' Lima said, ``but I managed to finish and the bronze medal in such a difficult marathon is also a great achievement.''
The appeals jurors said they ``would like to express their sympathy toward the athlete and regret the unfortunate incident. This shall not happen in the future and the security should be reinforced for road events. The final results can unfortunately not be changed.''
Athens police sources identified the intruder as Cornelius Horan, who has been barred from practicing as a priest for the past decade. He once published a book called ``A glorious new world very soon to come'' that predicted the world would soon end.
The attacker Sunday night had a piece of paper attached to his back bearing the message: ``The Grand Prix Priest Israel Fulfillment of Prophecy Says the Bible.''
In July 2003, Horan, in a costume similar to Sunday's, ran onto the track at the British Grand Prix in the middle of the race and stayed there for more than 20 seconds, forcing Formula One racers traveling at more than 200 mph to swerve around him. He was carrying a sign that said: ``Read the Bible -- the Bible is always right.''
British authorities said Horan also attempted a protest on Wimbledon's Center Court during a rain break, and tried to disrupt cricket and rugby matches.
On Sunday, Horan jumped from the crowd, ran across the street and grabbed Lima. A policeman following the leader on a bicycle jumped off and helped free the Brazilian.
Lima, whose once-large lead had been slowly shrinking, was able to get back into the race. But he lost several seconds as a result of the attack, and eventually was overtaken by Stefano Baldini of Italy and Mebrahtom Keflezighi of the United States. Lima finished third.
When the incident occurred, dozens of flag-waving Brazilian fans at the stadium that marked the marathon's end, watching the front-runners on a giant screen, suddenly went silent and the huge crowd gasped.
The police sources said Horan arrived in Athens just before dawn Sunday aboard a British Airways flight. They said Horan apparently acted because he believed that Christian Judgment Day was coming.
Horan would be taken to a prosecutor on Monday, the sources said. It was unclear if he would be charged or remanded for psychiatric evaluation.
Updated on Sunday, Aug 29, 2004 2:55 pm EDT
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